Our Story. Our Food.

Mission & Vision
A Force for Good

Our main goal is to be positive role models to our kids and a catalyst for change within the Guatemalan community. We envision Guatemalans everywhere taking pride in our culture and going after their dreams just like we did ours.

Our Values
What We Hold True


The processes and ingredients incorporated are authentic to Guatemalan cuisine.


We use the highest quality ingredients available including organic and grass fed.


New techniques are incorporated to ensure the best experience.


We are active with our local Guatemalan Community.

Who Is The 4th Sister?
Our Story

Growing up as a Hispanic American and the daughters of first-generation immigrants wasn’t easy. We had to balance American customs with traditions from our motherland, Guatemala. And even within the Hispanic sector, we were the minority. Imagine, a minority within a minority! It was a treat when we met other Chapines (Nickname for Guatemalan people).

As the years went by, we realized that although we loved many Guatemalan traditions, we had to shed many beliefs we grew up with including the fact that we must always be “humble.” We realized that the problem with humility is that if taken to an extreme, it can erase history. Our Guatemalan voices were being drowned by all the other cultures. And though we love diversity, we also felt, and still feel that Guatemalans are not being heard. So, one of the best ways to bring people together and have them learn about a culture is to introduce them to their food. And that’s how The 4th Sister came to fruition! 

We know that this won’t be an easy feat, but we’re brave women. And we’re also used to being the underdogs, which is where the name of the restaurant came from:

The 4th Sister represents the outcast or black sheep that many times isn’t heard. We’ve all been The 4th Sister at one point in our lives.

Help us amplify the Guatemalan voice!

Our People
Meet Our Team
Co-Founder & Executive Chef
Co-Founder & Creative Director

Thelma, an experienced chef of 15 years and Ann, an entrepreneur with over 15 years’ experience, have decided that we need to be pioneers. We will open the first authentic Guatemalan restaurant in metropolitan Miami, FL. It’s our responsibility to do so.

The Food
Delicious & Eclectic

Guatemalan food is so delicious and eclectic, and no one knows about this! Be honest, have you ever tried Guatemalan food? Have you even heard of it? The food is influenced from variegated cultures because of all the different settlements that have occurred there. The foundation is that of Mayan traditions, but there are dishes that are reminiscent to Indian, Caribbean, Latin and Spanish flavors.

Guatemalan food usually incorporates the The Three Sisters: squash, corn and beans. However, traditional Mayan cuisine also incorporates a fourth sister that no one ever really mentions: Spice. Spice is The 4th Sister.

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